
Awesome Mafia Tools and Resources

A curated list of Mafia Tools and Resources brought to you by MafiaHub.


Mafia Modding Crew’s Legacy

Mafia: Oakwood





To start modding Mafia, you need an arsenal of various editors, but what’s even more important… You NEED MafiaDataXTractor

3D Map Editors

Collision Editors

Mafia has a special collision file called “tree.klz”

Lightmap Editors and Creators

Script Editors

Mafia uses a special scripting language, it has no official name but the community adopted the name “Mafia Script”

Text and Value editors

Mafia’s text is stored in tables with a .def extension

Scene2.bin Editors

Scene2.bin is a soul of every Mafia mission as it houses everything the player can interact with

Cache.bin Editors

Check.bin Editors

Check.bin is a file where the pedestrian and vehicle mesh networks are stored, it is used for custom navigation for car and humans entities

Road.bin Editors

Road.bin is a file where car navigation network is stored

DTA extractors and packers


4ds tools

.4ds is LS3D model file

5ds tools

.5ds is LS3D animation file

Addons and Plugins

Addons and plugins for various 3D Modeling Programs for use with Mafia’s file formats

Resources and Documentations


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This list is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.